"The Unexpected Visitor" - Children's Christmas Performance, December 24, 2022
This is a recording of the live streamed Children's Christmas Performance entitled "The Unexpected Visitor" by Caleb Price (pwcenter.org) CAST KING HEROD Kerby DIRECTOR Leland NARRATOR Josie MARY Audrey JOSEPH James ANGEL Elizabeth SHEPHERD Jozi CHIEF PRIEST Audrey WISE MAN James WISE MAN Jozi CREW Karen Kevin Carolyn Smith, Director Brenda Higgins, Music Director Todd Olson, Pianist Neil Howard, Sound Director Supporting Crew Amanda Theriot Jennifer Ruffcorn Laurel Fabian We wish to thank our parents and the church members for their support. Jane Howard ran the slides Neil Howard produced the audio and video Jorge Soto ran the two cameras Duration: 21:44 Resolution: 1080p60 Permission to reprint and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-734424, CCLI Copyright License No. 11549580, and CCLI Streaming License No. 20284319.