What Satan Doesn’t Want You To Know About Speaking in Tongues | James Kawalya ft Erica Mukisa

What Satan Doesn’t Want You To Know About Speaking in Tongues | James Kawalya ft Erica Mukisa

In this video titled What Satan Doesn’t Want You To Know About Speaking in Tongues featuring James Kawalya & Erica Mukisa, we uncover powerful revelations from Pastor James Kawalya and ex-witch Erica Mukisa about why Satan dreads the practice of praying in tongues. This often-misunderstood spiritual gift holds profound significance, yet many Christians either overlook or misunderstand its purpose. Praying in tongues, a gift from God, is frequently dismissed as strange or even labeled as demonic. However,James Kawalya and Erica Mukisa will help shed light on its true purpose and spiritual power. They reveal how Satan, who cannot create but only corrupt, manipulates believers into doubting this divine connection. By understanding the spiritual warfare behind this sacred practice, we can overcome these deceptions and unlock the full potential of our prayers. Throughout this discussion, we explore how praying in tongues creates a direct line to God, allowing believers to communicate beyond human limitations. Kawalya emphasizes that prayers not rooted in understanding and faith can be thwarted by the enemy, leading many Christians to feel disconnected or unanswered. He shares valuable insights on how to pray effectively, aligning with God’s will to experience breakthrough. We’ll also delve into biblical references, including Apostle Paul’s teachings on the power of tongues. Paul’s deep understanding of this gift shows how it strengthens believers, equips them for spiritual warfare, and unlocks divine mysteries. Additionally, scientific research highlights the unique brain activity seen during this practice, affirming its authenticity as a spiritual encounter rather than mere emotion. This video invites you to reflect on your own prayer life and relationship with the Holy Spirit. Are you ready to embrace the transformative power of praying in tongues and deepen your connection with God? Join us as we explore how this heavenly gift can empower you to overcome the enemy’s schemes and live a victorious life in Christ. If this resonates with you, don’t forget to like the video, share your thoughts in the comments, and subscribe to Holyvista for more inspiring content. Let’s journey together toward spiritual growth and understanding! Subscribe to Holyvista and stay tuned for more weekly content that inspires and empowers your faith journey! Kindly consider joining our weekly Christian newsletter :) https://the-holy-life.kit.com/0a253bb073 Ex Satanist Exposes How Witches Steal Destinies & Trap Souls | Erica Mukisa ft James Kawalya    • Video   Video Credit : Life is Spiritual    • LIFE IS SPIRITUAL PRESENTS - THE ERIC...   Catherine Ainomugisha    • POWER SECRET OF PRAYING IN TONGUES BY...   #JamesKawalya #ExWitchTestimony, #SpiritualWarfare #EricaMukisa #BreakingSpiritualStrongholds, #powerofprayer #prayingintongues If this message has blessed you , you can kindly donate here: paypal.me/digtalhustler God bless:)