Guided Meditation - Calm An Overactive Mind - Anxiety Reduction - Yoga Nidra 13 Minute Practice

Guided Meditation - Calm An Overactive Mind - Anxiety Reduction - Yoga Nidra 13 Minute Practice

#guidedmeditation #yoganidra #yoga A 13 minute guided meditation to help calm an overactive mind. This works with the yoga nidra tradition, moving through the different koshas to help reduce anxiety. Anxiety often happens because our minds our thinking in the future. Let's do this together and find the present moment. Enjoy these yoga classes? Subscribe to my channel: Stay connected -- Instagram-- @ray__yoga Facebook-- Ray Yoga Email for business inquiries: [email protected] Music: Cylinder Two by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: ----- Disclaimer: By using this site, you understand and agree that neither Ray Yoga Videos nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content that is posted. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in these exercises and do so at your own risk. Please listen to your own body. The poses demonstrated are only suggestions.