What Adam Ruined, Jesus Redeemed | Romans 5:12-21 | Gary Hamrick
3/04/2024 When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden by eating from the one tree that God had warned them not to eat, the human race became tainted. The genetic code of the human soul became permanently altered, and thus all of the descendants of Adam inherited the same sinful nature. That’s why Paul says in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned”, and why David said in Psalm 51:5 that he was sinful from conception. But in Romans 5, Paul teaches us that what the first Adam ruined in the Garden, the “last Adam” (Jesus) redeemed on the cross! Paul contrasts the two lives of Adam and Jesus to help us understand that Jesus came as a cure to the sin problem that we all have. 00:00 - What Adam Ruined, Jesus Redeemed 06:57 - 1 Corinthians 15:22;45-49 09:05 - The word “man” in Hebrew is “Adam” 09:36 - Hb. “Adam” means “red or ruddy”…as in clay because Adam was formed from dirt. 21:57 - Romans 5 contrast between Adam and Jesus 22:04 - Through Adam, ALL became sinners (v.12) , Through Jesus, ANY can be made righteous (v.17) 22:43 - Judgment followed bringing condemnation (v.18a), The “gift” followed bringing justification (v.18b) 24:17 - One man’s disobedience made many sinners (v.19a), One man’s obedience will make many righteous (v.19b) 24:42 - Sin increased, reigning in death(v.20-21), Grace increased much more, reigning in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (v.20-21) ABOUT US: https://cornerstonechapel.net/hello GROW: If you made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior text "I have decided" to 703-844-9969. We'd love to rejoice with you and to send you a Bible! For next steps on how to grow in your relationship with Jesus check out https://cornerstonechapel.net/grow/ FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Youtube: / cornerstonechpl Instagram: / cornerstonechpl Facebook: / cornerstonechapel Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/corners... #Cornerstonechapel #GaryHamrick #CalvaryChapel