3-19-2025-Wednesday PM Service-Sanctification Through The Blood
3-19-2025-Wednesday PM Service-Sanctification Through The Blood ************************************************************************ Pray for our missionaries Jenkins Family Ghana Mission Team Solt Family ************************************************************************ Pray for the lost, the sick, the church family, our brethren that are struggling. Lift them up to the Lord in prayer. Pray for Israel. Pray for this country. ************************************************************************ Pray for laborers and for today's young people to have a heart for God!!! *********************************************************** ** 24-28 March 2025-ABA Spring Break ** ** 6 April 2025 - Ice Cream Sunday Night ** ** 12 April 2025 - Church Work Day ** ** 14-15 April 2025 - Revival - Pastor J.D. Weido ** *********************************************************** #ambassador #ambassadorbaptistchurch #bible #biblestudy #bibleverses #church #livestream #livestreaming #pastor #sundayeveningservice #sundayschool #sundayservices #mondayservice #wednesdayservice #worship #worshipleader #worshipsongs #oldhymns #hymns #hymn #kingjamesbible #kingjames Hebrews 13:10 When you got saved, God sanctified you!!! You were set apart!!! You are reconciled through the blood of Jesus!!! You are made clean through the blood of Jesus!!! The blood of Christ makes you clean, it keeps you clean!!! Cleansing and sanctification are two different things!!! Sanctification exceeds cleansing!!! If you are not clean as a child of God, God cannot use you!!! Jesus's blood sanctifies the people!!! Ephesians 5:25 2 Timothy 20-21 The purpose of the cross was to begin something!!! Everybody can pray!!! God saved you and the bonus is you are meet for the Master's use!!! Numbers 8:5,24 Exodus 29:26-27,32-33 What was sanctified was holy. Leviticus 8:10-13 When you got saved you were a believer/priest!!! There is an intimate personal relationship with God through His blood!!! 1. The Holiness of God The Holiness of God There are attributes of God that you cannot attain!!! God's power made you holy, but you don't want to act like a fool!!! God is complete in ALL of His being!!! Good will only do for you what is supremely good!!! 1 Peter 1:13- 2. The holiness in man is a disposition when you are entirely in agreement with God!!! God commands that you be holy. How often do you debate and argue with God!!! If you are going to be holy, you are going to have to come in agreement with God!!! We want to change the rules and make the rules and tell God what the rules are!!!