Chapter 10 | The Walking Dead Telltale Series: "Around Every Corner"  Season 1, Episode 4, Part 2

Chapter 10 | The Walking Dead Telltale Series: "Around Every Corner" Season 1, Episode 4, Part 2

Installment 10. This is the second play-through of The Walking Dead Season 1, Episode 4: "Around Every Corner" Part 2. This game features characters featured in the AMC series, like Herschel, Glenn, Jesus, and Clementine. On this play-through, I choose Carly, Lilly, and choose to tell the group about my "health issue." When playing as Clementine, this version will favor Vince, Kenny, Ruby, and Violet and play through the repercussions of their influence. Check out how these decisions play out and how dialogue and choices on this play-through will vary from future play-throughs. Don't like these choices or desire to know what would happen had I made different choices? Stay tuned fore future uploads. I intend to play through all outcomes! #twd #thewalkingdead #twdtelltale #twdclementine