The Epiphany, Choral Eucharist, January 5, 2025, 11:00 a.m.

The Epiphany, Choral Eucharist, January 5, 2025, 11:00 a.m.

Bulletin: https://faithconnector.s3.amazonaws.c... Service Participants: Celebrant: The Reverend Canon Rob Donehue Homilist: The Very Reverend J. Michael A. Wright Gospeller: The Reverend Canon Mac Magee Assisting: The Reverend Ross Tortora Lectors: Randy Amis & Pat Hunter Intercessor: Janice Meyer Music: St. Gregory Choir Canon Nicholas Quardokus, Director of Music Dr. James Mellichamp, Assisting Organist St. Thomas Guild of Acolytes: Dr. James Hutchisson, Verger Dalton Eversole, Harry Smith, & Miller Steever, Acolytes Chalice Bearers: Pat Hunter, Janice Meyer, Wayne King, & Paula Keener Ushers: Michael Sanderson, Linda Grimes, Rick Grimes, & Scott Persons Grace Guide: Virginia Donehue