महिलाओं को पीरियड्स क्यों आते हैं? | Why Do Women Get Periods?

महिलाओं को पीरियड्स क्यों आते हैं? | Why Do Women Get Periods?

महिलाओं को पीरियड्स क्यों आते हैं? | Why Do Women Get Periods? पीरियड्स किसी भी महिला में होने वाली एक नेचुरल प्रक्रिया है, हर लड़कियों में ये प्रक्रिया 12 साल की उम्र के बाद शुरू होना अनिबर्य होता है।, पर आपके मन में ये सवाल जरूर आता होगा की पीरियड्स क्या है?, और क्यों आते हैं, महिलाओं को हर महीने पीरियड्स?, महिलाओं को मासिक धर्म क्यों होता है?, अगर वीडियो पसंद आए तो 👉 Like ❤️ | Share 🌍 | Comment 💌 और Subscribe करना न भूलें! 🔔 👉 Subscribe Now: @darwindiazsepulveda8225@Devstrong29 [ @The_WisdomWave @Thefactro ] 👉 Periods shorts detail video (    • महिलाएं माँ कैसे बनती हैं? | Women’s ...   ) Hashtags: #periods #doctor #healthfacts #healthfacts #menstrual #menstruation #healthtips #femalehealth #shorts 🔹 Ovulation Process 🔹 Menstrual Cycle की पूरी जानकारी 🔹 Periods क्यों आते हैं? period kya hai, period kyu hota hai, period me kin baato ka dhyan rakhe आदि, Period se judi jankari, Period kya hota hai, Why do women have periods, Pahli bar period me hone wali samasya, Keywords: how women become mothers, Reproduction Process, female body process, what are periods, Egg Fertilization, Uterus Function, Women Health Facts, Pregnancy Explained, गर्भावस्था, human heart anatomy, Ovulation process in Hindi, Female body facts, 3D Medical Animation, Why Do Women Get Periods, How Periods Work, Periods Explained in Hindi, reproduction, periods, womens health, pregnancy, pregnant, baby prosess, anatomy, uterus, female body, menstruation, Health Facts, Human body Biology, #menstrualcycle oxygen, blood cells, doctor, ovulation, 3danimation, shorts, hindifacts, reproductive system, (MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Have you ever wondered why girls have periods? So let's know what are periods "Periods, which is also called (Menstruation), is a natural process of female body. This process continues like this for about 3 to 7 days every month. And periods blood comes through the uterus and goes out through the vagina. This blood is actually not bad blood of the body but is blood tissue which is formed every month to prepare for pregnancy. And why do periods occur? Every month an egg is released from the female's ovaries. This layer of blood is formed in the uterus for the development of that egg, but when pregnancy does not occur, the inner layer of the uterus i.e. (Uterine Lining) breaks down and comes out in the form of blood and tissue. This is called periods. The importance of periods is that it keeps a woman's body healthy and prepares a woman to become a mother. It is an important part of women's reproductive health.