Hitman Freelancer: Wicker Man (3 Minute Guide How to Beat Colorado Showdown Easily) #hitman
#hitman #freelancer #wickerman Hitman Freelancer- The Wicker Man trick requires you to shoot 4 bells from the top of the water tower in Colorado while wearing the Scarecrow disguise. Once this is done, anyone who 47 gets close to will burst into flames. This is useful for killing suspects/leaders, lookouts, assassins, guards, couriers, etc. It will allow a lot of achievements to progress as well as allow easy picking of safes, courier and loot stashes/crates, as well as get the Assassin's pistol easily. You will be able to eliminate the leader without ever checking your phone. And there will be a lot of XP gained at the end. Pair it with the Eco Crime syndicate for the best chance of getting fire kill objective. Please consider liking and subscribing! Please share this video if you found it useful! See this strategy in action!: • Hitman: Scarecrow Showdown (Burn Kill... A link to the maps I used: https://imgur.com/gallery/BzvtWsl Colorado Perfect Setup guide: • Hitman Freelancer: Colorado Deep Dive... Visit my Twitch to see more or watch it live!: / rangerkristtv Thanks! Please support us: 1. LIKE this video (if you liked it or found it helpful). 2. SUBSCRIBE to our channel (and click that bell icon) 3. FOLLOW us on Twitch (it's free) / rangerkristtv