Sunday December 18th, 2022, The 4th Sunday of Advent

Sunday December 18th, 2022, The 4th Sunday of Advent

Prelude Christian L. Kalb, Organist Organ Selections Gathering Words for Advent Minister Call to Worship Minister & People Leader: O God, hear our call. ----People: Stir up your strength and come to save us! Leader: Restore us, O God. ----People: Let your face shine, that we may be saved. Leader: For we know that new life is coming. ----People: A child will change us all. Leader: Let your hand be upon him in blessing. ----People: For he will bring you near. Leader: He will be God-with-us. ----People: Give us life, O God, and we will forever call on your name. ----All: We come to worship the Prince of Peace, our Immanuel, God with us. Amen. Lighting of the 4th Advent Candle 1st Scripture Reading Minister Isaiah 7:10-16 (Pew Bible pg. 605 OT) Litany of Love (Read Responsively) Minister & People Leader: On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we come, remembering the hope, peace and joy which already light the path. ----People: As we think about the coming of Jesus Christ and how the light of life and love help push the shadows away, we light the candle of love. Leader: How great is the love the Father has lavished on us! ----People: Fill us, and fill the world, with the true light of your love made known most clearly in Jesus the Christ. Leader: This is how God showed His love: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. ----People: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another. ----All: May God’s love in Jesus Christ come to enlighten the world! Advent Hymn Celebrate Immanuel’s Name #162 Invocation & Lord’s Prayer Minister & People 2nd Scripture Reading Minister Romans 1:1-7 (Pew Bible pg. 142 NT) Words of Assurance/Call to Prayer Minister Prayer Concerns People Prayer Hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem #169 Pastoral Prayer for Advent Minister The Lord’s Supper Communion Meditation Minister Communion Hymn O Come, All Ye Faithful #175 Communion Prayer Elder Serving of the Elements Deacons Words of Institution Minister Partaking of the Elements All Call to Give Elder Collections of Offerings Deacons Doxology Prayer Elder 3rd Scripture Reading Minster Matthew 1:18-25 (Pew Bible pg. 1 NT) Special Music Mr. Joe Clark Hallelujah Sermon Martin L. Voiers II, Minister Sharing the Gift of Love Presentation of Special Offerings People Hymn of Sending Silent Night! Holy Night! #171 Benediction Minister Postlude Organist Announcements: ----Mill Creek worship services are now being streamed live on YouTube. The link to YouTube can be found on the Mill Creek Christian Church, Disciples of Christ Facebook page. Archived services are also available on YouTube for viewing at your convenience. ----The Food Bank item for December is Cake or Brownie Mix. ----Sunday December 18 – 4th Sunday in Advent; Love is the theme for the day; Special Christmas Offerings will be received; Limestone Chorale Christmas Concert at 1st Presbyterian Church, 3:00pm; Mill Creek Kid’s Christmas Program, 6:00pm ----Wednesday December 21 – Longest Night Service at Mill Creek at 6:00pm. ----Saturday December 24 – Christmas Eve services at Flemingsburg Christian Church at 5:00 & 9:00pm; at May’s Lick Christian Church at 9:00pm ----Sunday December 25 – CHRISTMAS DAY! No Sunday School classes; Special Worship Service at 11:00am; children of all ages are encouraged to bring a favorite Christmas gift for a Blessing of the Gifts ----Sunday January 1 – NEW YEAR’S DAY; 2nd Sunday of Christmas; Board meeting after church ----Sunday January 8 – Epiphany Sunday