Santee UMC Worship - Sunday, December 18, 2022 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

Santee UMC Worship - Sunday, December 18, 2022 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

Thank you for worshipping with us today! Order of Worship 0:00 - Welcome & Announcements 3:17 - Prelude 6:01 - Lighting the Third Candle: Joy 7:53 - Opening Hymn - UMH 246 Joy to the World 9:41 - Passing the Peace 12:23 - Children’s Moment (Thank you Ms Jen!) 21:24 - Hymn of Praise - UMH 213 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates 23:02 - Introduction to the Scripture 26:47 - Scripture (Luke 1, vs. 41-44) 27:33 - Message (Embracing Radical Joy Amidst the Unknown) 39:34 - Anthem - Sing Gloria! - Mark Hayes 42:55 - Recognizing Jennifer Scott 46:09 - Prayers of the People 50:22 - Community Prayer 53:19 - Offertory 57:23 - Doxology 58:32 - Closing Hymn - UMH 238 Angels We Have Heard On High 1:03:57 - Hymn of Departure - UMH 328 Surely the Presence of the Lord 1:11:22 - Benediction 1:11:52 - Postlude