Psalm 33 - The Earth Is Full of the Goodness of the Lord (For Weddings) - (LIVE chanted)
Official LIVE video of Psalm 33 - 'The Earth Is Full of the Goodness of the Lord' - with chanted verses for weddings. SHEET MUSIC is available NOW on my website (piano, vocal, choral, and guitar) at https://francescalarosa.com/collectio... . This Psalm includes the vocal line to help you sing along! Prayers for you and your families, and may you always grow in holiness! 🙏💕🙌 Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. (ICEL). All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse Text: Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD). All rights reserved. Used with permission. 👉 SUBSCRIBE for more of Francesca's videos: / francescalarosamusic 🎼 Purchase the Sheet Music (Piano / Vocal / Guitar): https://francescalarosa.com/pages/she... ▶ Listen to Francesca on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2XaFV... ▶ Stream Francesca on Apple Music: / francesca-larosa Connect with FRANCESCA LAROSA: Website ► https://francescalarosa.com/ Instagram ► / francescaclarosa Facebook ► / francescalarosamusic YouTube ► / francescalarosamusic If you feel called, support me on Patreon: ► / francescalarosa (Psalm 33: 12 and 18, 20-21, 22) R. (5b) The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Blessed the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as his heritage. Yes, the Lord’s eyes are upon those who fear him, who hope in his merciful love. R. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Our soul is waiting for the Lord, He is our help and our shield, in him do our hearts find joy. We trust in his holy name. R. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. May your merciful love be upon us, as we hope in you, O Lord. R. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. #TheEarthIsFulloftheGoodnessoftheLord #psalm33 #francescalarosa #salmos #psalm33TheEarthIsFulloftheGoodnessoftheLord #TheEarthIsFullof #psalm33TheEarthIsFullof #TheEarthIsFullofPsalm33 #psalm33TheEarth #TheEarthPsalm33 #Psalm33TheEarthIsFulloftheGoodnessoftheLordSong #Psalm33Song #psalm33wordforword #wordforword #weddings #yearA #yearB #yearC #cycleA #cycleB #cycleC #memorizescripture #psalm #catholic #catholicartist #newmusic #composer #catholiccomposer #singersongwriter #musician #christian #scripture #psalter #psalms #responsorialpsalm #responsorial #psalms #modernpsalms #sheetmusic #sheetmusicpsalm33 #singablepsalm #chantedverses #chantedversepsalm #psalm33 #chantedversepsalm #sheetmusicvideo #sheetmusicvideopsalm #sheetmusicvideopsalm33 #weddingsPsalm33