Pointers are confusing not hard...

Pointers are confusing not hard...

Hey! This is a simple video I made to summarize some of the key concepts covered in Harvard's CS50x 2024 Week 4 lecture on memory - focusing only on pointers. I highly suggest you check it out if you want to learn more, or even just for fun. If you've ever wondered what a great teacher looks like, to me, David Malan is the perfect role model. The slides I used to make this video are based on the lecture slides, but I've made a lot of alterations to them. Below, I'll leave some links to the official website, the online course sign-up via edX, the original YouTube lecture, the lecture slides, and the problem set for Week 4 (note that you will need some understanding of File Input/Output to complete the problem set, so you may want to check out the last 20 minutes of the lecture to learn about it). Feel free to leave any questions in the comments. CS50 Website: https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/ edX Course Sign-Up: https://www.edx.org/learn/computer-sc... YouTube Lecture:    • CS50x 2024 - Lecture 4 - Memory   Lecture Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/... Problem Set: https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/psets/4/