REACTIN' & PLAYIN'!! DMC Netflix & MK1 T-1000 Trailer Reaction! Then More MH Wilds!! (3-12)
Wassup my homies! It's Khaiza and I'm Live on Twitch & YouTube!! What's on the Menu? The Khaiza is back and we got some reacting and playing to do. Today, The Khaiza reacts to the new trailers for the Netflix DMC Anime & MK1 T-1000. Then, we playing more Monster Hunter Wilds. So, come on by and watch The Khaiza talk and play. YouTube (fighting games): Khaiza Youtube (single/multi player game): Khaiza_Plays Twitch: twitch.tv/khaizakahn Twitter: twitter.com/khaizakahn Facebook: / farhan.khan.779 Discord: KhaizaKahn#7220 Steam: khaizakahn