Faith Is Obedience || Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, COZA Tuesday Service, 11-05-2021.

Faith Is Obedience || Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, COZA Tuesday Service, 11-05-2021.

The Bible Says in John 14:15 "If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands." Faith Is Obedience; This is Who Faith Is! You can't stay you're in Faith if you don't obey God. Your faith is shown by your corresponding actions (James 2:18). What you believe must affect your life to the point that you take action. Half obedience is disobedience, and delayed obedience is rebellion. Make up your mind to do God's Word. Everyone that obeyed God in the Bible was rewarded because God is a rewarder! "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6 NKJV If you really believe that God is REAL, let it show in your actions, because without Faith, it's impossible to please God, and your Faith in God is shown by your obedience to him! _______________________ Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the Global Senior Pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA): A global church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately. To give and support our ministry click any of the following links:,$GiveCoza, To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ click here: If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: [email protected] To follow Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo on IG and Facebook click the links below:   / biodunfatoyinbo     / biodunfatoyinbo   Subscribe to pastor Biodun's Youtube Channel:    / pastorbioduntv   Subscribe to COZATV YouTube Channel:    / cozaglobal   #COZATuesdays #PastorBiodun #HeavenOnEarth #COZAGlobal