2019 MUST Known Regional Migration Pathway
To start with 2019, Australian Government had introduced $19M fund to regional Australia. This will facilitate and fast-track all regional visas to seek to promote migrations into regional Australia. Our recommended regions to go for migration purpose: 1. South Australia - City of Adelaide 2. Northern Territory - City of Darwin 3. Tasmania - City of Hobart By utilising subclass 489 visa, you shall first meet the state criteria, then be invited by the state government. While successfully obtained 489 visa, all you need to maintain is: 1. Continue to live in the region for the next 2 years 2. Proof you have been employed in the region for at least 1 year. Then you will be eligible to transfer into Subclass 887 visa, which is a permanent residency visa. Should you require more information, feel free to contact us: Email: [email protected] www.amecnews.com / studyausradio / studyausradio @studyausradio #489visa #regionalmigration #australia #visa #migration