Sunday Divine Liturgy of the Mass – Advent 2 [Sung]

Sunday Divine Liturgy of the Mass – Advent 2 [Sung]

TODAY: We continue our Advent journey! Remember that the main theme of this season is not preparation for Christmas, for the greeting of the Christ child. In these days of increasing darkness, we are being made ready to be greet Christ at his glorious coming for us at the end of our days and the end of days, when our faith tells us that he shall clothe us in the power of his resurrection. In these Advent days, you will see that the liturgy will be celebrated facing east (Yes, I know our Nave faces west, but remember that “facing East” is not a matter of literal direction but of figuratively looking to Christ as the rising sun, the Light of the World bringing to us the Kingdom of God in all of its glory and beauty! Sunday 8 December 2024 The Second Sunday of Advent The Sunday between 4 December & 10 December SUNDAY BULLETIN LINKS Weekly Announcements: Sunday Sung Liturgy Bulletin: Readings Insert for This Advent Sunday Liturgy: Sunday Liturgies are 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM unless otherwise announced. Evening Prayer is offered daily Sunday Evening through Friday Evening at 6:30 PM. Morning Prayer is offered daily Monday Morning through Saturday Morning at 8:30 PM. St. Stephen's Outreach Ministry gives away clothes and food Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 PM to 3 PM. Donations of Food and Clothing and Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated. St. Stephen's is the Second Cathedral of the Diocese of Bethlehem. We give thanks for our diocese and the wider Church and pray for the greater unity and visibility of the Church with the mindfulness that this is the desire of Jesus! St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro-Cathedral Church 35 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem Now that we are into the 2025 Liturgical Year, we are deeply mindful of the transition we are sharing with our increased diocesan family as we anticipate the 2026 initiation of The Episcopal Diocese of the Susquehanna, a reunification of the Dioceses of Bethlehem and Central Pennsylvania!