why do people love Far Cry 3?

why do people love Far Cry 3?

Edited by Playstayshaun Shauns Twitter:   / playstayshaun_   Shauns YouTube Channel:    / playstayshaun   Additional voiceover from MertKayKay:    / @mertkaykay   You can get videos early and support the channel by becoming a patron or a YouTube member!:   / thatboyaqua   Follow my Twitter:   / thatboyaqua   Join the Discord:   / discord   Other Essays:    • Video Essays   Intro: 0:00 World: 4:07 Gameplay: 14:29 Story: 33:38 Legacy: 51:22 Outro: 55:43 Far Cry 3 is a rugged game. Blood, and dirt will be most of what you see, and its decision to present a sanitised version of gritty murder on top of a tropical background allows it to present the same ideas Far Cry 2 did, but without sacrificing the fun factor. From a visual standpoint, Far Cry 3 has barely aged, and from a gameplay standpoint, the same is true, but its story is one that will go down as perhaps not one of the best, but one of the most unique. In the 12 years since its release, the Far Cry series has been on a decline. While said decline isn’t as steep as the internet would have you believe, it’s true, there's nothing quite like Far Cry 3, and that makes it a game worth revisiting. As always with these games, there is an element of nostalgia, and I won’t lie, this game has a special place in my heart for being the first Far Cry game I tried. As a 12 year old I was lured in by its wingsuits, explosions, and woah boobs! But I stayed for its themes. Even as a kid, though I didn’t know why, I knew this game had sauce. After replaying it a few times, I now do understand why. Far Cry 3 is full of some incredible moments, but it isn’t flawless. What is most disappointing about Far Cry 3 is the sequels left in its wake. Games that were damn good in their own right and even improved the formula in some ways, but didn’t carry over what made 3 so special, and in some cases, doubled down on what made it stumble. If there were one major criticism I could give of Far Cry 3, it’s that its story is too drawn out. It’s third act, like an epilogue that revels in what the first two acts made, is one that while looking at the big picture is overindulgent, once you’re in that third act, it’s hard to not enjoy every second of it. This is achieved through some truly creative mission structure and an open world gameplay loop so successful that Ubisfot is still, over a decade later, trying to make lightning strike twice. Jason Brody’s story is one that feels complete, and while his host of villains isn’t much to write home about, apart from one whos in the game for all of twenty minutes, what these people represent, is a theme of savagery that is present across the game, making their influence one's worthy of all the praise. Why do people love Far Cry 3? In this first video of a Far Cry retrospective we will, through a Far Cry 3 critique and Far Cry 3 analysis, look at what made the game so special, and in this Far Cry 3 review we will see that Far Cry 3 years later still holds up surprisingly well. This Far Cry 3 retrospective will also act as a Far Cry 3 Explained video. You may noticed some points aren't mentioned here, and that is because I am sort of going on the assumption that you have seen the Pyrocinical Fat Cry 3 video, which supports the idea that this is one of the best Far Cry games in the Far Cry series. Vaas is a large reason for this, and the best Vaas moments are here. If this video does well I'd love to talk about Far Cry 4, Far Cry 6, Far Cry 5, Far Cry Primal, Far Cry New Dawn, Far Cry 2. Far Cry is one of the best Ubisoft series and Far Cry 3 is the best of that series.