Which is associated with warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia? | USMLE Step 1 Prep | Medical Quiz #30
Answer: C) IgG • Explanation: ◦ A) IgA is not commonly associated with hemolytic anemia. ◦ B) IgM is more associated with cold agglutinin disease. ◦ C) IgG is the most common antibody involved in warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, acting optimally at body temperature. ◦ D) IgE is primarily involved in allergic reactions, not hemolytic anemia. #mededucation #medstudent #medicalschool #usmle #usmleprep #usmlestep1 #futuredoctor #studymedicine #medgram #medexamshub #warmautoimmunehemolyticanemia #IgG