Today's Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection - Monday, June 19, 2023
#TheWordTodayTV #TodayGospelReading #GospelReadingforToday #GospelandReflection #HolyMassReadings Today's Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection - Monday, June 19, 2023 Reading 1: 2 Cor 6:1-10 Resp: Ps 98:1, 2b, 3ab, 3cd-4 Gospel: Matthew 5:38-42 Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 365 Reading 1: 2 Cor 6:1-10 But, as a help to you, we exhort you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says: "In a favorable time, I heeded you; and on the day of salvation, I helped you." Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. May we never give offense to anyone, so that our ministry may not be disparaged. But in all things, let us exhibit ourselves as ministers of God with great patience: through tribulation, difficulties, and distress; despite wounds, imprisonment, and rebellion; with hard work, vigilance, and fasting; by chastity, knowledge, and longsuffering; in pleasantness, in the Holy Spirit, and in unfeigned charity; with the Word of truth, with the power of God, and with the armor of justice to the right and to the left; through honor and dishonor, despite good reports and bad, whether seen as deceivers or truth-tellers, whether ignored or acknowledged; as if dying and yet truly alive; as if chastised and yet not subdued; as if sorrowful and yet always rejoicing; as if needy and yet enriching many; as if having nothing and possessing everything. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 98:1, 2b, 3ab, 3cd-4 Response: The Lord has made known his salvation. Sing ye to the Lord anew canticle: because he hath done wonderful things. His right hand hath wrought for him salvation, and his arm is holy. R. The Lord has made known his salvation. He hath revealed his justice in the sight of the Gentiles. He hath remembered his mercy his truth toward the house of Israel. R. The Lord has made known his salvation. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Sing joyfully to God, all the earth; make melody, rejoice and sing. R. The Lord has made known his salvation. Alleluia: Ps 119:105 R. Alleluia, alleluia. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my paths. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel: Matthew 5:38-42 You have heard that it was said: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, do not resist one who is evil, but if anyone will have struck you on your right cheek, offer to him the other also. And anyone who wishes to contend with you in judgment, and to take away your tunic, release to him your cloak also. And whoever will have compelled you for one thousand steps, go with him even for two thousand steps. Whoever asks of you, give to him. And if anyone would borrow from you, do not turn away from him. === Reflection: https://mycatholic.life/books/catholi... Copyright © 2020 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life === Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material used under 'fair use' for religious, educational, and inspirational purposes. I do not claim ownership of the copyrighted content. If you believe any material infringes on your copyright, please contact me at [email protected], and I will address it promptly. === today's holy mass reading,today's catholic mass reading,daily mass readings 2023,Today's Gospel Reading,today's mass reading catholic,mass readings english,Gospel Reading,Responsorial Psalm,mass,catholic,bible,the word today,daily mass readings,mass readings for today,catholic mass reading,the word today tv,catholic mass today,catholic mass,catholic daily mass readings 2023,catholic readings today,daily catholic readings,daily mass readings and reflections