Overcoming flatline during Porn Reboot Nofap nopmo and PMO Addiction
Overcoming Flatline: CLICK LINK FOR FULL 3-HOUR UNEDITIDED Discussion at the "White Collar Awakening" VIDEO PODCAST Exclusively on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Pc2... Link to PORN RECOVERY ACADEMY https://billwilderment.org/pornrecove... All-Star Porn Recovery Coaches answer long-time myths and questions. What is Flatline? Can I recover from flatline? how long to heal from porn These are all questions people debate when they have a porn addiction or if they have been addicted to pornography. Especially No Fap, No PMO, Semen Retention or a Porn Reboot. Porn Addiction causes many problems in a person's life, and NoFap & NoPMO has several benefits but is this actually one of them? Escaping the rat race To learn more about the ALL-STAR COACHING PANEL SEE THE LINKS BELOW Bill Ranshaw: https://linktr.ee/connectedbeing Dr. Trish Leigh: https://linktr.ee/Drtrishleigh Coach Noah Church: https://linktr.ee/noahbechurch "Powerful Eric" Zuzack: https://solo.to/powerfuleric