Red Dead Redemption 2. Ch 2: Horseshoe Overlook. No commentary.

Red Dead Redemption 2. Ch 2: Horseshoe Overlook. No commentary.

Link to playstation store... The Dutch van Der linde gang makes it into ch2 at Horseshoe Overlook. Intro 00:00 Polite Society, Valentine Style 00:30 Who Is Not Without Sin 19:40 Outro 32:04 Thanks for watching and stay tuned. #rdr2 #ps4 #playstation #playstationtrophy #reddeadredemption2 #lfg #like #comment #share #subscribe #jellyroll #deadpool3 #wolverine #gaming #gamingvideos #wildwest #gunslinger #gunslingers #revolver357 #dutchvanderlinde #plan #arthurmorgan #dutch #pinkerton #rockstargames #rockstar #nocommentary