Making an Animated Sports Motion Graphic in Photoshop
Tired of making flat, still sports design graphics? Add some basic motion without even leaving Photoshop! In this Photoshop tutorial we'll walk through the process of making a basic Gameday matchup motion graphic. I only recently found out recently that Photoshop has motion GFX capability, and once I realized keyframing was an option on my favorite Adobe platform I figured it was good knowledge to share. This is definitely NOT the most detailed graphic example, but I mostly just wanted to emphasize how to use and maneuver around Photoshop’s built-in timeline. Now if you’re looking to seriously get into motion graphic design, After Effects is where you belong—Photoshop is a lot more limited, while After Effects is a true playground. But if you’re like me and were intimidated by After Effects for a long time, I view Photoshop’s video capabilities as a decent jumping off point if you’re looking to add another skill to your resume. 00:00 Intro 00:25 Graphic 1 04:11 Graphic 2 06:28 Animation 15:22 Closing As always, if you ever have questions or need more of an explanation please reach out to me! Comment below, or hit me up on Instagram: / realdanielcohen For .psd files, behind-the-scenes updates, personalized feedback and more, visit my Patreon: patreon.com/ultimatecreative Thank you for watching and supporting the channel! If you got value from this video, would love it if you could give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel—let's get more sports art into the world.