4 ingredients Matcha Ice Cream~Less Sugar~Condensed Milk~No Egg~Easy Home Recipe抹茶少糖雪糕~无鸡蛋~炼奶~简单家庭食谱

4 ingredients Matcha Ice Cream~Less Sugar~Condensed Milk~No Egg~Easy Home Recipe抹茶少糖雪糕~无鸡蛋~炼奶~简单家庭食谱

I always crave for ice cream, so I decided to make a less sugar Matcha ice cream. This Home made recipe is without ice cream maker and only 4 ingredients needed, very easy and fast to make. The benefit of making ice cream at home is that we can use better quality ingredients. 我非常喜欢吃雪糕,所以就做了这个少糖的抹茶雪糕。这是一个简单又快速的家庭食谱,不需要买雪糕机,四种材料而已。最重要是,在家里自己可以用好品质的材料。 Don't forget to LIKE my video if you enjoyed watching it. 如果你喜欢我的视频,别忘了给我的视频点赞。 Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on the bell to receive future video's notification.别忘了订阅我的YouTube 及打开小铃铛以便收到新的视频上载通知。 RECIPE 食谱 o 1 Tin or 500g Condensed Milk (1罐或500克炼奶) o 1L Whipping Cream (1升鲜奶油) o 1tsp Vanilla Essence (1茶匙香草香精) o 80g Matcha Powder (80克抹茶粉) Fb Page:   / bakingathomebylingskitchen   Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/baking.at.h... TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJokqA9c/    • Fluffy Cranberries Wholewheat Loaf~Ea...   [Fluffy Cranberries Wholwheat Loaf~Easy Home Bread Machine & Air Fryer Recipe~柔软蔓越莓全麦土司~简单面包机/空气炸锅食谱]    • Video   [Soft & Fluffy Banana Cake & Cupcakes~Easy Air Fryer Home Recipe~Best Recipe~柔软蓬松香蕉蛋糕及纸杯蛋糕~简单空气炸锅家庭食谱]    • Duo Colour Wholewheat Bread~Easy Home...   [Duo Colour Wholewheat Bread~Easy Home Bread Machine/Maker & Air Fryer Recipe~两色全麦面包~简单面包机/空气炸锅食谱]    • Vegan Wholewheat Loaf/Bun~No Milk~No ...   [Vegan Wholewheat Loaf/Bun~No Milk~No Egg~No Butter~Bread Machine & Air Fryer Recipe全素全麦土司~无牛奶~无蛋~无牛油]    • Easy Air Fryer Quiche Recipe~Frozen P...   [Easy Air Fryer Quiche Recipe~Frozen Pastry Square as Pie Crust~懒人简单家庭法式咸派~冷冻酥皮做派皮~空气炸锅食谱]    • Air Fryer Soft Pull Apart Red Bean Wh...   [Air Fryer Soft Pull Apart Red Bean Wholewheat Bread~Dough with Bread Machine~红豆沙全麦手撕面包~空气炸锅及面包机食谱]    • Home-made Soft Double Chocolate Ice C...   [Home-made Soft Double Chocolate Ice Cream~Condensed Milk Easy Home Recipe~5 Ingredients双巧克力雪糕~简单家庭食谱]    • No Fail No Knead Air Fryer Soft Whole...   [No Fail No Knead Air Fryer Soft Wholewheat Dinner Rolls~Dough with Bread Machine~零失败免揉全麦小面包~空气炸锅及面包机]    • No Knead Rustic Italian Crusty Ciabat...   [No Knead Rustic Italian Crusty Ciabatta Bread~Easy Air Fryer Home-made Recipe免揉意大利巧巴达拖鞋面包~简单家庭空气炸锅食谱]    • Easy Delicious Home-made Pandan Kaya/...   [Easy Delicious Home-made Pandan Kaya/ Coconut Jam with Bread Machine/Maker简单好吃面包机香兰咖椰酱/咖央醬的食谱]    • Trio Colour Wholewheat Bread~Easy Hom...   [Trio Colour Wholewheat Bread~Easy Home Bread Machine/Maker & Air Fryer Recipe~三色全麦土司~简单面包机/空气炸锅食谱]    • Easy Bread Machine/Maker Recipe for B...   [Easy Bread Machine/Maker Recipe for Beginners at Home~Soft Wholewheat/ Wholegrain Bread 简单面包机食谱~全麦面包]    • Easy Bread Maker Home Recipe~Wholewhe...   [Easy Bread Maker/Machine Recipe~Wholewheat Peanut Butter & Strawberry Jam Bread 简单面包机食谱~全麦花生酱及草莓果酱面包]    • Zero-Fail/ No-Fail Easy Air Fryer Hom...   [Zero-Fail/ No-Fail Easy Air Fryer Home Recipe~Double Chocolate Chips Cookies 零失败空气炸锅家庭简单食谱~双倍浓巧克力曲奇]    • Easy Home Recipe using Marshmallows(5...   [Easy Home Recipe using Marshmallows(5 Ingredients Only)~Cranberry Pistachio Nougat 简单家庭食谱~蔓越莓开心果牛轧糖]    • Easy Air Fryer Home Recipe~Matcha Spo...   [Easy Air Fryer Home Recipe~Matcha Sponge Cake/Cupcakes 简单空气炸锅家庭食谱~抹茶海绵蛋糕/纸杯蛋糕]    • Air Fryer ~ Easy Tuna Puff Pastry wit...   [Air Fryer ~ Easy Tuna Puff Pastry with ready-to-bake Pastry Square 空气炸锅~简单金枪鱼酥食谱]