2 Thessalonians Chapter 3 - Bible Book #53 - The Holy Bible KJV Read Along Audio/Video/Text

2 Thessalonians Chapter 3 - Bible Book #53 - The Holy Bible KJV Read Along Audio/Video/Text

The second Epistle (Letter) of Paul The Apostle to the Thessalonians. 2 Thessalonians Chapter 3 - Bible Book #52 - The Holy Bible KJV Read Along The Authorized 1611 King James Version (KJV). All verses visually synchronized with audio of the actual "Pic-Verse-Text." Audio Video Bible's done the hard way. The right way. God's Word deserves no less - Chapter by chapter, individual verse by individual verse (picturized). The main thing is to KNOW CHRIST! The biblical Jesus Christ! So this BibleProject channel Blessfully includes All 31,102 verses of The Holy Bible visually HD (High Definition) synchronized with audio of the actual "Pic-Verse-Text." Audio Video Bible's done the hard way. The right way. God's Word deserves no less - Chapter by chapter, individual verse by individual verse (picturized). Much love & respect to other great Bible channels like: Scourby YouBible Channel that i have learned from and SOAKSTREAM - Healing Scriptures, also Christopher Glyn is a great narrator too among many others. Read slowly & surely with great emphases & accuracy. This especially along with screen text helps with scripture memorization. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Scripture memorization is vital in warfare! 2 Corinthians 6:2b or... 23:59 TIME IS UP. Just In Bible - HD Audio-Text Read Along - The (Word of God) The Bible, narrated by a real believer. With all the lies and falsehood that dwell in a fallen world the safest way to go is to stay – "Just In Bible" May God Bless you with an unquenchable thirst for His Holy Word (The Bible) Your brother in Christ (See Narrator's Testimony) Jus✝in Bible #2ThessaloniansChapter3 #2Thessalonians3 #audiobible #audiobiblekjv #bibleaudiotext #2ThessaloniansChapter2 #2thessalonians2 #2ThessaloniansChapter1 #2Thessalonians1