Foraging is the Best Mastery in Stardew Valley

Foraging is the Best Mastery in Stardew Valley

All of the masteries have recipes or buffs that will help you out while engaging in their specific skill, but only Foraging has benefits for all skills! We're going to talk about why Foraging might be the most important mastery to unlock! Sections: 0:00 - Intro 0:29 - Mystic Tree Seeds 2:01 - Treasure Totems 4:25 - Golden Mystery Boxes 6:48 - The Support Skill The Chart:   / 1794927613078552708   _____________________ Here's the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot: 🕹️ Stream Archives:    / @salstreams5829   💜 Twitch -   / salmence100   🕶 Tik Tok - 🐦 Twitter -   / salmence100