Polishing a Turd, Total Yard Transformation: Side Yard, Part 2 SD 480p
Watch as This Dilapidated House Gets a Yard Makeover This is Video two, The side Yard. This is the editors favorite video in this series! We had the pleasure of transforming a neglected property in this extreme yard makeover series. Over four videos, you'll see the incredible transformation of the front yard, side yard, and back yard. 1. Front Yard Makeover: Witness the dramatic changes as we tackle the front yard. 2. Side Yard Cleanup: This is arguably the neatest video of the series, showcasing an amazing grass cut, and other work for stunning results. 3. Back Yard Overhaul - Part 1: The first part of our back yard cleanup, where we uncover unbelievable amounts of trash hidden beneath the overgrowth we are removing 4. Back Yard Overhaul - Part 2: Continuing our efforts in the back yard, completing one of the most dramatic lawn cleanups we've ever seen.