Bad Teacher vs Good Students! We Survived the World's Strictest Teacher!
Watch the NEWEST videos: • Squid Game With Superheroes! What Hap... | Turn on ALL notifications This is an intriguing and exciting story about three very different characters who encounter the strictest teacher in the world. The teacher, known for his merciless discipline and strict rules, sets difficult tests for students that test not only their knowledge but also their character. This story is full of humor, drama and unexpected twists that will make you think about the real values of education and friendship! 😊 Don't miss it! #badteachervspoorstudent #badteachervsrichstudent #student #teacher Follow WooHoo: Subscribe: / @woohoo-en Instagram: / woohoo_channel Facebook: / woohooyt TikTok: / woohoo LIKEE: https://likee.video/p/6adBI5 Other Channels: WooHoo Shorts: / @woohoomeow WooHoo Ukrainian: / @woohooukr WooHoo عربي: / @woohoo_arabic WooHoo বাঙালি: / @woohoobengali WooHoo 用中文: / @woohoocn WooHoo Deutsch: / @woohoode WooHoo Dutch: / @woohoodutch WooHoo Español: / @woohoo_es WooHoo Française: / @woohoofr WooHoo हिन्दी: / @woohoo-india WooHoo Indonesia: / @woohoo-indonesia WooHoo Italiano: / @woohooit WooHoo 日本語: / @woohoojp WooHoo 한국인: / @woohookr WooHoo Magyar: / @woohoohu WooHoo Polski: / @woohoopl WooHoo Português: / @woohoo_pt WooHoo ਪੰਜਾਬੀ: / @woohoopunjabi WooHoo Română: / @woohooro WooHoo Russian: / @woohoo-ru WooHoo ไทย: / @woohoothai WooHoo Türkçe: / @woohootr WooHoo اردو: / @woohoourdu WooHoo Việt: / @woohoovietnam About WooHoo: Crafts, life hacks, and more! Don’t forget to turn on notifications, like, & subscribe!