اذا كان عمر الاب 3 أمثال عمر الابن ناقص 3 كم عمر الاب اذا كان عمر الابن 15

اذا كان عمر الاب 3 أمثال عمر الابن ناقص 3 كم عمر الاب اذا كان عمر الابن 15

Mohamed Mansour @Mohamed44205913 0:00 المقدمة 0:05 أوجد ناتج 1-0.0001 2:49 مربع محيطه 20 قارن بين مساحته و 25 4:51 اذا كان 0.7% من عدد يساوي 21 أوجد العدد10 7:01 مستطبل محيطه 6ص+2س وعرضه 2ص أوجد طوله 10:02 اذا كان 3 10:43 هند تقرأ 20 صفحة في 20 دقيقة كم تقرأ في 4 ساعات 12:22 استعار طالب من صدبقه 6 كتب واستعار من مكتبة الحي 8 كتب 13:16 (ن @user-gb5dv3fc1s اوجد قيمة س 14:18 مسألة موقف السيارات ولون السيارة رقم ٣٦٠ شرح النماذج الجديده قدرات كمي 15:41 اذا كان للداءرة والمربع نفس المحيط قارن بين مساحة المربع ومساحة الدائرة 16:31 اذا كان س اقل من صفر قارن بين 18:01 خمسة أعداد طبيعية أصغرهم 2 والمنوال 7 والمتوسط 6 أوجد الوسيط 22:53 اذا كان عمر احمد اكبر من عمر خالد ب 4 سنوات 23:51 مربع طول قطره 2 جذر 2 رسم داخله دائرة تمس اضلاعه ما محيط الدائرة بطلة 26:07 اذا كان ن=2 قارن = 20 سم 26:59 قبل ميلاد محمد منصور بثلاث سنوات 33:32 في الشكل المجاور اوجد قيمة س 34:29 قارن بين مساحة متوازي الاضلاع ومساخة شبه المنحرف    • أخر التسريبات في القدرات ( قدرات كمي )   project of maths project project project work for kids project working model projekt school school exhibition working model school project video school project work science day project for 4th class science day project work science day project working model science exhibition project for class 8 science exhibition working model for class 5 science model drawing science project 3d science project for class 10 science project working model class 7 science projects for exhibition working model science working model project science working project shaoes shape model for school project shape school shapes 3d model shapes model for school project shapes park model shapes project shapes project for class 1 shapes project ideas since day project working model solid figures for grade 6 project solid shapes sphere 3d model. tim design tim for class 1 and 2 tim for class 6 to 8 tim maths working model easy working model of science working model project working model projects प्रोजेक्ट 数理モデル 3d shapes project maths working model 3d shapes how to make 3d shapes maths project 3d shape 3d shape project 3d shapes model how to make 3d shapes with paper maths model maths model project maths project work shapes shapes name how to make cylinder 3d model with paper maths tlm for class 6 to 8. science project working model science working model tim 10th class math project geometrical shapes math project math tim maths exhibition ideas school project 3d cone model 3d shapes maths project 4th class project work fraction tlm fraction working model how to do 3d shapes how to make a sphere with paper how to make cuboid how to make cuboid with paper math model math park math project model mathematics model maths exhibition maths project for class 8 maths tim maths tim project maths working model for class 10 model exhibition project project model science exhibition project working model science project for 4th class shape name sphere shape tim maths project tlm project working model for science exhibition working model tim 3d maths class 12 3d model 3d model making 3d model of shapes. 3d model science project 3d shapes craft 3d shapes how to make 3d shapes model for school project 3d shapes project for school 3d shapes working model 4th class project 5th class maths project work 7th class maths project children's project work class 11 accounts project class 4 project class 4 tim class 7 project cone 3d drawing cone shape 3d model cube project cuboid drawing cylinder shape cylinder shape 3d model easy working model. english working model geometrical geometrical shapes drawing how to make a paper cylinder how to make cylinder how to make cylinder shape how to make cylinder with paper how to make hemisphere 3d using paper how to make science working model how to make sphere 3d model with paper how to make sphere with paper making 3d shapes making 3d shapes with paper math ka model math ka tim math model project math park model math project for class 8 mathematical modelling maths 3d project maths 3d shapes maths 3d shapes project maths chart maths chart project maths craft work maths exhibition model. maths exhibition project maths exhibition working model maths experiments maths model class 11 maths model easy maths project 3d shapes maths project chart work. maths project designs. maths project for class 1 maths project for class 6 maths project for class 7 maths project shapes. maths project working model maths project working model class 8 maths shapes maths shapes project model. 3d sh shapes name maths model school project 3d cone model 3d shapes maths 3d shapes mo 3d cone model 3d shape project fraction working model tlm project 3dكمى كيف جبت 100 في القدرات