![[FFXIV] 6.4 MOUNT with ALL RACES: Magicked Children's Bed (Khloe's Gold Certificate/600 Faux Leaves)](https://krtube.net/image/DJUW9t7yyCE.webp)
[FFXIV] 6.4 MOUNT with ALL RACES: Magicked Children's Bed (Khloe's Gold Certificate/600 Faux Leaves)
Magicked Children's Bed with all races: HOW TO GET: 1 Khloe's Gold Certificate Of Commendation OR 600 Faux Leaves Description: Summon forth your magicked children's bed, and enjoy the carefree sleep of a child wherever you go. Journal: Crafted especially for children, this magicked bed hovers by virtue of crystals sourced from floating isles, and gives the sensation of sleeping on a cloud. The design is said to be directly inspired by the beds used at Menphina's Arms. Tooltip: Keep that up and I'll send you to bed without supper. - Y'shtola For more videos at my Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1y24... 视频首发在我的Bilibili, 更多有趣视频请三联鼓励:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1y24... 6.4版本天书金奖或600幻巧叶兑换。 描述:召唤你的魔法儿童床,随时随地享受无忧无虑的儿童睡眠。 日志:专为儿童而制作的这款魔法床,通过浮空岛屿提供的水晶悬浮,给人一种睡在云端的感觉。据说其设计直接受到了芒菲娜旅馆使用的床铺的启发。 工具提示:再这样下去,我就要不给你吃晚餐就哄你去睡觉了--雅·修特拉 00:00 - Lalafell Male 01:25 - Lalafell Female 01:47 - Miqo'te Female 02:03 - Miqo'te Male 02:16 - Viera Male 02:28 - Viera Female 02:39 - Highlander Female 02:50 - Highlander Male 03:00 - Hyur Male 03:12 - Hyur Female 03:24 - Elezen Female 03:41 - Elezen Male 03:56 - Roegadyn Male 04:12 - Roegadyn Female 04:29 - Hrothgar 04:40 - Au Ra Female 04:58 - Au Ra Male © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. #ff14 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv