BEST Way To Choose A Main (or Alt) in 11.1

BEST Way To Choose A Main (or Alt) in 11.1

💥Join me Live   / marcelianonline   Struggling to pick a main or alt in World of Warcraft: The War Within Patch 11.1? 🤯 This video will help you decide with rankings, spreadsheets, and insights into the potential meta classes for Mythic+, Raiding, and PUGs! Link to the SPREADSHEET: ✅ What’s the Best Class for 11.1? 🔹 Should you choose based on damage, transmog, tier sets or pure fun? 🔹 How to pick a meta spec to get into groups faster 🔹 DPS, Tank, or Healer? Which role will best suit you? 🔹 Augmentation Evoker, Enhancement Shaman, BM Hunter – Who’s OP? 💀 Avoid Common Mistakes! Many players choose classes based on PTR performance, only to get nerfed before launch. We break down safe picks and which classes will stay strong throughout 11.1. Join us LIVE on Twitch & YouTube to discuss class balance, alt management, and gearing strategies! Don’t get stuck in the wrong class—watch now and optimize your 11.1 experience! #WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #WoW11_1 #WarWithin #MythicPlus #Raiding #BestClassWoW #MetaSpecs #WoWGuide #WoWHunter #DPSRanking