Growing good plots in poor soils.

Growing good plots in poor soils.

As most hunters have learned over the years, some of the best food plot locations will often have poor soil conditions. Although it can be a challenge, these areas can be developed into productive plots that can provide valuable nutrition and great hunting opportunities. In this clip we join Brett as he goes over some valuable steps he has learned over the years growing food plots in the Northeast that is definitely not known for having great soil. #1) Test your soil for pH and take the necessary steps to get it up to 6.5+. #2) Build up your soil using cover crops. Keep it healthy and active by always having something growing when possible. #3) Be realistic. Plant crops that have a higher rate of success in poor soils. As your soil improves each year then so can you choices. Happy Planting! Frigid Forage has been feeding wildlife since 1987. We can proudly say we offer only high quality food plot blends that are 100% seed. No coatings, no fillers, just 100% premium seed in every bag. Not every wildlife seed company can make that claim, just look at the label. Our mission at Frigid Forage has always been to offer high quality products along with practical advice. We strive to provide hunters and wildlife enthusiasts with the proper tools to get the job done right. Anyone who has planted food plots knows that the seed they buy is only the beginning and is really just a portion of the total cost of a successful plot. Seed, fertilizer, fuel, time, and equipment are all important factors in growing a successful food plot. So why risk your hard earned money and your hunting season on inferior seed? Not all seeds are created equal. Look over our products and know you are buying some of the best food plot seed blends available anywhere. Happy Planting! FRIGID FORAGE SEED Buy Your Seed Online ► NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION: Bottom of Page ► FRIGID FORAGE DEALERS: Find a Dealer Near You ► FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow us on Facebook ►   / frigidforage