He Drew Everyday for 1 Year | Drunk Artist Reacts

He Drew Everyday for 1 Year | Drunk Artist Reacts

Pewdiepie drew every day for 165 days and it's safe to say his art journey is one of the most insane things to witness over the past year. Truly showing that talent is just a myth and that art is a skill just like any other. All it takes is a lot of time and dedication to the craft. 365 days consecutively is quite a lot tho. but that's why Pewds is the goat. Pewdiepie's 365 Day Art Journey    • I Drew Every Day for 365 Days..... *i...   ============================================================= Music: Track: "SINKING SHIPS", Mifune Música fornecida por https://Slip.stream Download grátis/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/bItE0c Ouça no Spotify: https://go-stream.link/sp-mifune Track: "Blaqueen Phoenix" Music provided by https://Slip.stream Free Download/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/uYoiAp ============================================================= #art #artist #commentary #pewdiepie #artistdrawing #artjourney #pewdiepieart #howtodraw #drawing #commentary #gameplay #yap