Conservative and Non-Conservative Fields | 11th Class Physics Unit 5 | fbise | nbf
In this video, we begin with Chapter 5 of the 11th Class Physics curriculum, focusing on Work and Energy. The topic we cover today is Conservative and Non-Conservative Fields, where we explain the differences between these two types of force fields with examples like gravity and friction. Understanding this concept is crucial for solving problems related to work and energy in real-life scenarios. This video is aligned with the Federal Board (FBISE) curriculum and will help you prepare for your exams. @techminds10 Topics covered in this video: Introduction to Work and Energy Definition of Conservative Forces Explanation of Non-Conservative Forces Examples: Gravitational field, friction, and air resistance Mathematical explanation of Work done by conservative and non-conservative forces The importance of path independence in conservative fields Real-life examples and applications Make sure to watch the full video and don’t forget to subscribe for more detailed physics lectures! Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:30 - Overview of Work and Energy 02:00 - What is a Conservative Field? 05:00 - Explanation of Non-Conservative Forces Tags: #ConservativeandNon-ConservativeFeilds #workandenergy #11thclassphysics #physics #federalboardphysics #fbise #chapter5 #federalboard2024 #nbfphysics #nationalbookfoundation #unit5workandenergy #1styearphysics