Preaching Sunday 21July2024  St John Parish Osn. ‪@MathewKenyi1‬ ‪@GMKMedia1‬ ‪@StudentsUnion1‬

Preaching Sunday 21July2024 St John Parish Osn. ‪@MathewKenyi1‬ ‪@GMKMedia1‬ ‪@StudentsUnion1‬

SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B. 21st July 2024 Saint John Parish Osnabrueck. 1.FIRST READING "I will gather the remnants of my flock, and I will set shepherds over them." Jeremiah 23:1-6 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 (R.)1 2.SECOND READING "He is our peace, who has made us both one." Ephesians 2:13-18 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION John 10:27 Alleluia My sheep hears my voice says the Lord, and I know them, and they follow me. 3.GOSPEL "They were like sheep without a shepherd." Mark 6:30-34. Catholic Liturgical Songs. #StJohnOsnabrueck #De. ‎@HolyFamilyCareGroup3  ‎@GMKMedia10  YouTube & Facebook @GMKMedia10 @HolyFamilyCareGroup3 @MathewKenyi1 @WakeUpAfrika @StudentsUnion1 @SouthSudanMusic10 @KinglyandKingdomMen #GMK #GMKInvest #GenPidi #MathewKenyi1 #GMKMedia10 #MathewKenyi1 #MathewKenyiShow #HolyFamilyCareGroup3 #HolyFamilyCareGroup1 #News #AfricanNews #Pan-Afrikan #KinglyandKingdomMen #GMKMedia12 #WakeUpAfrika #Spiritual #Moral #Finance #Academic #Relationship #Dating #Date #Social #Physical #Money #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #Black #African #Afrikan #PanAfrican #PanAfrikan #SouthSudan #Kenya #Uganda #EastAfrica #Germany #Freedom #Revoplution #Plandemic #Cash #Investments