Resident Evil 4 Remake 100% Achievement Playthrough - Part 24: Professional Difficulty NG+ Act 3

Resident Evil 4 Remake 100% Achievement Playthrough - Part 24: Professional Difficulty NG+ Act 3

Hello everyone! This is Part 24 of a full 100% Achievement playthrough / gameplay walkthrough of the Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) on the Xbox Series X. A full playlist of all parts of this playthrough can be found here:    • Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023) Full 10...   In this section we finish the Professional Difficulty 'speedrun', completing the entire third Act (Chapters 13-16). The goal of this 3rd playthrough (of 5) is to use the Infinite Rocket Launcher obtained in the previous playthrough to finish the game on Professional difficulty with an S Rank while not talking to the Merchant at all in order to obtain the Proficient / Peerless Agent and Silent Stranger Achievements, as well as to unlock the Chicago Typewriter, Leon Gas Mask Accessory, and Ashley Armor Outfit to be used in the final 2 playthroughs. If I die I quit to the Main Menu and reload from my last Save Point to cut down on the overall time of the run. If you just hit "Continue" then the timer keeps going, but if you quit out and reload then it resets the timer to whatever it was at when you last saved. This was probably a little unnecessary given how quickly you can move through the game with the Infinite Rocket Launcher, but I still wanted to do it to get the lowest time at the end possible. Just figured that was worth mentioning in case anyone was wondering why I did that. I'm skipping basically everything that I can here, including all Cutscenes / Comms Calls, to save as much time as possible. If you're interested in seeing any of that to get a better sense of the story, or the overall experience of all that the game has to offer, then be sure to check out my first Standard Difficulty playthrough, (which can be found in the Playlist linked at the top of this description), in which I watch every cutscene and complete every single thing that can be done in a single playthrough. =) I'll put some timestamps to the Chapters (and deaths) here, in case that is useful in any way: 0:00 Chapter 13 11:23 Chapter 14 18:00 (I Think Ashley Broke...) 18:15 Chapter 14 27:25 Chapter 15 41:19 Chapter 16 46:10 RIP (That Was Dumb...) 46:30 Chapter 16 Attempt 2 49:05 Results / Achievements / Unlocks! 50:50 Setting Up For The Next Playthrough (And Stuff)