Blackburn Presbyterian Church-Morning service [21 November 2021]

Blackburn Presbyterian Church-Morning service [21 November 2021]

The Church of God (Acts 20:17-38) Here is something we have not seen. For the first and only time in the entire book of the Acts we have the essence of Paul’s words to Christians. His Farewell to the Ephesian Elders will repay reflection and meditation. Today we pick up its main themes. ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ 11am service 21 November 2021 Sermon by Rev. Graham Bradbeer Blackburn Presbyterian Church We are a community of Christ located in Gardenia St, Blackburn, Victoria (just off the Avenue). Visit us at: What is the gospel? How can I be saved? Sermon audio only: Sermon notes: Like and subscribe ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ Summary 0:00 Welcome and notices 6:24 Hymn 207-Christ is made the sure foundation 9:40 Prayer 11:50 Christine Bradbeer-Young at Heart: “A happy reunion” 19:27 Freewill offering 21:03 Sonya Rutherfurd-Bible reading (Acts 20:17-38) 26:41 Psalm 23-The Lord’s my Shepherd 30:17 Rev. Graham Bradbeer-Sermon: The Church of God (Acts 20:17-38) 54:43 Prayer 1:00:35 Hymn 464-Make me a captive, Lord 1:03:28 Prayer and Benediction