It's Rebirth Island ...? NO!! Rebirth of the NAZI-ZOMBIES!!!【CoD:MW/MW19/MW2019】
[Introduction] Thank you for watching. If you like, please follow, subscribe, and bookmark various SNS such as YouTube, X (Twitter), Instagram, Hatena Blog, etc. ・YouTube / @hinatyuproject ・X(Twitter) / h1natyu ・Discord https://discordapp.com/users/23945309... ・niconico https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/137633441 -------------------------------------------------- [Notes] ・This video was created as part of technical verification and C++ programming education. ・This video was not created with the purpose of increasing the number of cheaters (users who use cheats), hackers, or trolls. ・The functions performed in this video do not affect the current server (network where general users are). ・The function performed in this video requires a very difficult process to use on the current server (a network with general users), and there is a possibility of receiving serious measures such as account bans, so we do not recommend using it in public places. -------------------------------------------------- [Terminology] ・CoD = Call of Duty A world-famous FPS (military shooter) game. ・MW = Modern Warfare Refers to the work of CoD's modern war worldview. ・GSC = Game Script Code Script code based on C++ that runs inside the CoD system. ・Mod != Cheat By modifying the game system, it is possible to express complex expansion elements, unlike cheats that simply increase health values. -------------------------------------------------- [Video Overview] Hello, I'm HiNAtyu. In the PC Steam version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (CoD: MW 2019 / MW2019 / MW19 / iw8 / CoD16). I’ve started developing a massive custom game mode called "Project Nazi-Zombies." It’s currently in Pre-alpha Version 0.1.0. This game mode supports Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep. For other standard multiplayer maps, I’m working on tweaking it to resemble the AI Zombies game mode from MW2 2009. "Project Nazi-Zombies" aims to fully recreate the famous sub-game mode "Zombies" from Treyarch’s Black Ops series on MW2019, implementing the first round-based Zombies mode in the MW series. The mode progresses in rounds, with Rounds 1-4 being a slow start and zombies transitioning to a sprinting state starting from Round 5 onward. Attacking or killing zombies earns players points, which can be used to access various gimmicks within the map. A Mystery Box (random box) is placed in the map, allowing players to purchase random weapons for 950 points. This game mode is still in development, but once it becomes a bit more polished, I’ll invite those who’d like to join as gameplay testers. Thank you for your continued support of Project HiNAtyu moving forward! -------------------------------------------------- This mod can be purchased from the following link. https://hinatyu.booth.pm/items/5703945 I will continue to create new mods. If you are interested, please watch my other videos. -------------------------------------------------- [Product Introduction] The GSC mods introduced in this video are available on various digital data sales sites. If you are interested in C++ coding, please take a look. I also hold lectures on GSC mods. ・BOOTH https://hinatyu.booth.pm ・[PS4 version] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 (Japanese version) https://amzn.to/4eSybUQ https://a.r10.to/hPWq5Z ・[PS4 version] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 (North American version) https://amzn.to/3znUuBC https://a.r10.to/hPWq5Z ・[Xbox One version] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 (North American version) https://a.r10.to/hPrxop -------------------------------------------------- #Shorts #GSC #GameScriptCode #Mod #modmenu #modded #modding #modder #modified #moddinggames #ModdedLobby #ModdedLobbies #Lobbies #AIO #AllInOne #Cheat #Cheats #cheater #cheating #mods #Hack #Chair #showcase #undetected #モッド #モッドメニュー #シューティング #シューティングゲーム #改造 #programming #cpp #code #coding #script #learning #Academic #AcademicResearch #download #プログラミング #コーディング #スクリプト #ゲームプログラミング #pc #ps4 #ps5 #playstation #playstation4 #playstation5 #playstationgaming #playstationgames #gaming #gameplay #games #game #gamingvideos #pcgaming #fps #fpsgame #fpsgames #fpsgaming #online #onlinegaming #Retail #cod #codclips #callofduty #callofdutyhighlights #コールオブデューティー #codwarzone #callofdutywarzone #warzone #warzoneclips #warzonegameplay #ウォーゾーン #コールオブデューティーウォーゾーン #iw8 #iw8x #cod16 #cod2019 #codmw #codmw19 #codmw2019 #mw19 #mw2019 #mw2019clip #modernwarfare #callofdutymodernwarfare #コールオブデューティーモダンウォーフェア #モダンウォーフェア 《PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC/BattleNet/Steam》 <Modded lobby/Modded lobbies/Download Link/Release/Online/Multiplayer/Injector/Tool/Preview/Showcases/Learning/Scripting/Coding>