How to grow tangerine tree from seed (Step by step)
An easy way to germinate tangerine seeds from home. Step: 1. Cut your tangerine and get the seeds. 2. Wash the seeds 3. Put them in lukewarm water for two hours faster germination. 4. Remove the outer hard coat 5. Place a wet paper towel inside a container and place the seeds. 6. Cover the seeds with another wet paper towel and close the container 7. Leave it In a warm place for 10 days preferably on top of the fridge 8. After the 10 days the seeds will have germinated. 9. Prepare your planter and make holes at the bottom to avoid water retention 10. Put loose soil on the planter 11. Crush egg shells and put in the soil for calcium 12. Don't throw away your overripe bananas they make good fertilizer , they are highly rich in potassium - add the bananas in the soil 13. Add a layer of loose soil and plant the seeds with the root facing downwards. 14. Water with a sprayer to avoid eroding the soil 15. Mulch with hay or dried grass 16. In about two weeks the seedlings will have sprouted. 17. Transplant after three months (90 days) to desired / designated spot in your orchard. Follow Splendor Seed To Fruit and Easy Hacks YouTube channel for more hacks. #citrus #tangerines #fruit #orange #organic #grafting #farming #germinatingseeds #seeds #tanginejuice #fanta Music credits: Uprise: lesfm.net/track/uprise Landscape: lesfm.net/track/Landscape