First-St. Andrew's United Church Worship Service - February 25, 2024
Welcome to worship at First-St. Andrew's United Church in London, Ontario! We are pleased to present this live-stream worship service on Sunday, February 25, 2024. The service will begin at 10:30am. Today is the second Sunday of Lent and we continue our journey into the Wilderness. Rev. Dr. Joshua Lawrence, Minister of Worship and Congregational Life invites us to explore the Wilderness through his Lenten sermon series. Today's sermon is entitled "Scenes of Wilderness: Forests". Today's first Scripture reading is 1 Kings 17: 8-16, read by Lorna Gunning-Fratschko and today's Gospel reading is Matthew 14:13-21. Musically, we continue our celebration of Black History Month with our Candle Lighting Music "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me 'Round", which is led today by baritone soloist Alastair Smyth. Minister of Music, Chris Fischer leads the choir in our Musical Reflection "Child of God" which features a solo by Daryn Nowlin. As a preview for this afternoon's Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) Anniversary Concert, tenor soloist Chris Wood will perform "En Prière" for the Musical Offering. Today's hymns are: VU #575 "I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me," VU #501 "Break Now the Bread of Life" and VU #333 "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling". To make a donation in support of First-St. Andrew's or to learn more about us, we invite you to visit our website at http://www.fsaunited.com For more services, check out our YouTube Channel @ / @firstst.andrewsunitedchurch for videos of previous services.