BIBLE STORY - The Coat of Many Colours | Shiluz Toon Stories #shorts #trending #viral
BIBLE STORY - The Coat of Many Colours | Shiluz Toon Stories #shorts #trending #viral _____________________________________________________________________________ "Joseph's Colorful Dream: The Coat That Changed Everything!" "The Coat of Many Colours: A Tale of Dreams, Envy, and Destiny" "Joseph's Dreams and the Envy of His Brothers | Bible Story" "The Coat That Sparked Jealousy: Joseph's Journey Begins!" "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colours: A Story of Faith and Betrayal" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIBLE STORY - THE COAT OF MANY COLOURS . Jacob loved his eleventh son Joseph, the most and gave him a coat of many colours when he was seventeen years old. Joseph was delighted. But his brothers became envious. Joseph could interpret dreams. One day, he told his brothers that he had dreamt that they were all tying up sheaves in the field. Their sheaves stood around his sheaf and bowed ! This made the brothers really angry because it meant that Joseph would rule over them. In another dream, he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bowing before him. This time Joseph told his father. Irritated, Jacob told him to work with his brothers instead of wasting time dreaming. But the brothers were already angry with Joseph and were waiting for an opportunity to teach him a lesson. In fact, they wished to be rid of him for always, but waited because he was their father’s favourite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #BibleStories #JosephAndHisBrothers #CoatOfManyColors #InspirationalBible #JosephsDreams #OldTestamentStories #FaithAndJealousy #BibleLessons #JosephInterpretationOfDreams #ChristianStorytelling #BiblicalWisdom #FamilyRivalry #JosephTheDreamer #ReligiousStories #ChristianFaith #BibleInspiration #LessonsFromTheBible #MoralStories #BiblicalQuotes #JosephsJourney