Sunday 29th December 11am  Family Communion service from St.Matthias' Church, Torquay

Sunday 29th December 11am Family Communion service from St.Matthias' Church, Torquay

Welcome to our service on this first Sunday after Christmas for a Holy Communion service. The words for the service are on screen but also available by following this link: We'll be singing some favourite carols too. The service is led by Revd John Beckett Our weekly notice sheet is available on our website, but if you don’t already receive it by email, we can send it over to you weekly if you contact us. If you would like to try praying, and wonder how to, then head over here:, and if you would like someone to pray for you or if you would like to find out more about Jesus then please get in touch with us via the office email address. These sites help people find out about Jesus and Do check out the website to see what is happening and do come and join us. See or you can email us at: [email protected]. We really would love to hear from you! If you would like to support the finances of St Matthias then please consider signing up to the Parish Giving Scheme. There is information here Alternatively you may telephone on 0333 002 1271 Music used under CCLI licence number 1833