The Wedding at Cana and Jesus' Response to Mary
For the Mass Readings on the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C), Dr. Pitre comments on the readings, in particular as they relate to the Wedding at Cana, which is today's Gospel reading. Mary approaches Jesus and appears to simply make him aware that they have no wine with an implicit request that he do something about it. However, Jesus' response is rather bizarre in light of a simple request to address a wine-shortage situation. He begins to refer to his "hour," which, in John's Gospel, always refers to the hour of the liturgy of the Last Supper, which is united to the Crucifixion on Good Friday. Notable quote from this week's video of the Mass Readings Explained: But Jesus says something else, he says, "My hour has not yet come." So, in John's gospel, that points forward to his passion and death, the hour of the cross, the hour of his passion. And so, mysteriously, somehow Mary's words, “they have no wine,” Jesus has taken them not just to refer to the problem of the practical loss of wine, but somehow to refer to the hour of his passion and his death. Why does he go there? How does he get from "A" to "Z"? How does he get from "running out of wine" to "the hour of the cross"? This is an intro video. You may watch the full version by subscribing at https://catholicproductions.com/pages... Or, you can watch this intro video at our website if you're already subscribed at https://catholicproductions.com/blogs... Find other bible studies by Dr. Pitre at https://catholicproductions.com/colle... Visit Dr. Pitre's website at www.BrantPitre.com Images used in video: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi... https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi... https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi...