Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles ( Original Speed / Basic Track )

Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles ( Original Speed / Basic Track )

The Beatles – "Here Comes the Sun" (Original Speed Basic Track) The rhythm track for Here Comes the Sun was recorded in 13 takes on 7 July 1969, which happened to be Ringo Starr’s 29th birthday. The final take—humorously called “take 12 and a half”—was chosen as the best, while take nine was later included in some editions of the 50th Anniversary reissue of Abbey Road. This video presents the basic track at its original recorded speed, featuring: 🎸 Paul McCartney – Rickenbacker bass (Track 1) 🥁 Ringo Starr – Drums (Track 2) 🎶 George Harrison – Gibson J-200 acoustic guitar (Track 3) Later in the session, Harrison recorded an additional guitar part on Track 4 using the same J-200. After midnight on 20 August 1969, the song was mixed in one stereo attempt, with the tape running slightly faster (51 cycles per second instead of 50), raising the pitch by about a quarter-tone. To restore the original speed, this version is slowed from 129 BPM to 127 BPM, bringing it closer to how it was originally recorded. While not exact, it closely approximates the original recording speed. #TheBeatles #HereComesTheSun #AbbeyRoad #GeorgeHarrison