Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House

Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House

✅ LATEST NEWS TODAY: Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House ✅ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and ENJOY MORE: WASHINGTON — President Trump abruptly called off the White House celebration honoring the Super Bowl-champion Philadelphia Eagles after nearly all of the players and coaches said they would boycott the visit after the president’s demands that players stand during the national anthem at games. White House officials said that fewer than 10 members of the team were planning to attend the celebration on Tuesday afternoon on the South Lawn despite weeks of planning for the event, which is usually a nonpolitical celebration of a football victory. Instead, this year’s event to honor the Eagles has become a bitter reflection of the deep divisions in the United States over race, patriotism and Mr. Trump himself. When it became clear that most members of the team would not attend, Mr. Trump issued a blistering statement disinviting them. “The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow,” Mr. Trump said in a statement released Monday evening. “They disagree with their president because he insists that they proudly stand for the national anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DNCLATESTNEWS, #DNC #POLITICS NEWS #FoxNews #latestnews360 #youtube #breakingnewstoday #breakingnews #presidentdonaldtrump #presidenttrumpnews #usanewstoday #trumplatestnews #latestnewstoday #latestnews #usnews #northkoreanews #DonaldTrump #USAmorningnews #trump