APPLE PIE- GLUTEN FREE - Bonita's Kitchen

APPLE PIE- GLUTEN FREE - Bonita's Kitchen

Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be making APPLE PIE-GLUTEN FREE, So delicious and easy to make recipe posted below! To view & download the full recipe, please view it here on our website: Our cookbooks link: Ingredients: 2 Cups all-purpose Gluten Free flour 1 Tsp xanthin gum ½ Cup butter or margarine 1/3 Cup cold water ¼ Tsp sea salt EGG WASH 1 Large egg, beaten APPLE FILLING 5 Cups peeled apples, or 3 pound bag apples. ½ Cup brown sugar ½ Tsp ground cloves 1½ Tsp ground cinnamon 1 Tsp ginger ½ Tsp nutmeg 2 Tbsp all-purpose gluten free flour 1 Tsp lemon juice Method: In a bowl add flour, xanthin gum, butter or margarine and sea salt blend together with hand or mixer, until it crumbles. Then add cold water, continue blending until formed into a ball, remove from bowl and cut in half. Sprinkle GF flour over the counter top and roll our dough, then add to pie pan. In a small bowl add egg or just egg whites whatever works for you, beat until blended then with a brush over bottom crust with egg wash. Poke fork holes in the crust and set aside until you are ready to use it. In a medium bowl add peeled wedged apples of any type and top with lemon, and all the spices with 2 tbsp of GF flour and ½ brown sugar, toss together and add to the pie pan with crust. Then roll out the other piece of dough and add to the top of apple filling, then pinch the sides together. Cut a V in the top of the pie crust and brush some egg wash over the crust top, then poke a few holes in the top of the crust. Pre-heat the oven to 350ºF, put pie in oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown, remove from heat and rest on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then cut and serve with your favourite ice cream. Caramel Sauce: 2 tbsp butter                     1 cup dark brown sugar ¼ cup evaporate milk or milk of choice. 1 tbsp vanilla  Caramel Sauce: 1 - In a saucepan, melt butter; add sugar & vanilla whisking to blend well.  2 - Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. (Do not allow to simmer, or it may curdle.) 3 - Whisk in milk , remove from heat.  4 - Whisk before serving, the sauce should be soft, creamy, and smooth. 5 - Or microwave for 30 second to 1 minutes and stir in the vanilla and serve. I apologize in advance if anything in this video is not clear or miss read, please follow my recipe when making this dish Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!