The Wisdom of Joseph Saves Egypt. Genesis 41:1-57

The Wisdom of Joseph Saves Egypt. Genesis 41:1-57

#Genesis41 #PharaohsDreams #JosephInterpretsDreams #RiseOfJoseph #SevenYearsOfPlenty #SevenYearsOfFamine #JosephInEgypt #GodsPlan #BiblicalWisdom #FaminePreparedness Genesis Chapter 41 recounts Pharaoh’s dreams and Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt. Pharaoh has two troubling dreams: in one, seven healthy cows are devoured by seven gaunt cows; in the other, seven plump ears of grain are swallowed by seven thin, withered ears. None of Pharaoh’s advisors can interpret the dreams, so his cupbearer remembers Joseph, who previously interpreted dreams in prison. Joseph is summoned, and he explains that both dreams signify seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine. He advises Pharaoh to appoint a wise administrator to store surplus grain during the plentiful years to prepare for the famine. Impressed by Joseph’s wisdom, Pharaoh appoints him as second-in-command over Egypt, giving him authority over the land. Joseph is given an Egyptian name, Zaphenath-Paneah, and marries Asenath, the daughter of a priest. During the years of abundance, Joseph oversees grain storage, ensuring Egypt’s survival during the impending famine. As the famine spreads beyond Egypt, people from other nations come to buy grain, setting the stage for Joseph’s reunion with his brothers.