Foods That Will Last 20 Years to Forever. Some of These are a Must Have for Prepping

Foods That Will Last 20 Years to Forever. Some of These are a Must Have for Prepping

These are 33 foods that will last more than 20 years and some of them Forever. Thank you for joining me today. Have a great day and as always many blessings to you and your families. TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL PLEASE SEE LINKS BELOW: Alaska Prepper AMAZON STOREFRONT: AUGASON FARMS: EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS: THE READY STORE: VALLEY FOOD STORAGE: If you'd like to buy me a Coffee (contributions made to this site will go to a Local Charity): SD Bullion Precious Metals: If You'd Like to Buy a T-Shirt: Email: [email protected] Facebook Link: JOIN ME ON PATREON: Alaska Prepper P.O. Box 10464 Fairbanks, AK 99710 “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” DISCLAIMER: ANYTHING THAT I SHOW AND OR DISCUSS AND OR RECOMMEND ON THIS CHANNEL IS WHAT I DO AND HOW I DO THINGS. YOU MUST DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF WHAT YOU SEE OR HEAR ON THIS PLATFORM IS RIGHT FOR YOU AS ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF. I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER, DOCTOR, ENGINEER, OR A PROFESSIONAL OF ANY KIND. ALL I OFFER ARE IDEAS THAT YOU CAN DRAW FROM AND A BIT OF ENTERTAINMENT. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.. LINK TO ARTICLE: