#DreamsEnemyLosingBattle #WitchcraftDreams Today, we shall be telling you the 10 dreams that indicates enemy is or has lost the battles. Perhaps you have prayed against the enemies of your soul. Probably engaging in fasting programmes in order to defeat and claim your deliverance. I want to let you know that devil is a loser and he is a failure. This video will prepare your mind to look out for those signs in your dreams. This is a very interesting video every children of God should know. Dreams that someone is using charms on you: • 20 DREAMS INDICATING SOMEONE USING CH... 10 dreams that scatters opportunities: • 10 WITCHCRAFT DREAMS THAT SCATTERS OP... PRAYER POINTS 1. Every power that does not want to let me go, die, in Jesus name. 2. Power assigned to mess me up, O God mess them up, in Jesus name. 3. Every dream of backwardness affecting my progress; be cancelled in Jesus name. 4. I challenge every dream criminal assigned against me with the Blood of Jesus. 5. Any Altar controlling my dream life for evil, scatter by fire in Jesus name. 6. Every past negative dream always aborting my expectations, be cancelled in Jesus name. 7. I receive total victory over the household wickedness, in Jesus name. 8. O God arise and fight my enemies to finish, in Jesus name. 9. Father, let my enemies begin to lose that battles, in Jesus name. 10. Every spirit of defeat in my dream, I claim my victory and deliverance. ____________________________________________________________ These are my official links: Please, do not fall victim by fraudsters. 1. Website; https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/ 2. https://bibleandprayers.com/ 3. / evangelistjoshuaorekhie 4. YouTube: / evangelistjoshuatv 5. Instagram: / evangelistjoshuaorekhie 6. Twitter: / evangjoshuaorek