Hymn Meditation for The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (August 29, 2021)

Hymn Meditation for The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (August 29, 2021)

Organist Jason Klein-Mendoza offers a weekly hymn reflection on last Sunday’s sermon. Hymn: O Thou Who Camest From Above | HEREFORD As did the sermon from Sunday, the text of this hymn by Charles Wesley invites us to share in the love of God as God has perfected and shared his love with us. Wesley is well known as the father of Methodism. Like Luther before him, his original intent wasn’t to form a new denomination, but to reform and revive the Church of England. His writings and teachings ultimately led to the formation of the Methodist Church. The tune, HEREFORD, was written by Wesley’s grandson - Samuel Sebastian Wesley. The younger Wesley was an English composer in the early 19th Century and primarily wrote music for the organ and use in church services. As always, we invite you to either sing along at home or just follow along with the text and music as you continue your week in prayer.